We offer comprehensive Customs and consulting services through our department made up of professional specialists in the field with more than 20 years of experience in this area. We provide services as customs agents anywhere in the country.

We are an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)- which certifies the level of customs authorities- with the objective of benefiting our clients, reducing the number of physical inspections and guaranteeing the security of its logistics chain.

Customs warehouses, ADT, DDA, LAME, TAX DEPOSITS.


  • Management of all types of destinations and customs regimes (active and passice) improvement traffic, free circulation, etc).
  • Own customs premises.
  • Fiscal representation.
  • Advice and assistance in tax inspections.
  • Obtaining import and export authorizations (goods subject to EEC quotas or special regulations).
  • INTRASTAT statement.
  • FREE advice on foreign trade for our clients.
  • Customs Warehouses (DA).

Customs Warehouses

  • Depósito Temporal (ADT).

  • Depósito Aduanero (DAP).

  • Depósito Distinto del Aduanero (DDA).

  • Local Autorizado para Mercancías de Exportación (LAME).

  • Depósito Fiscal (DF).